News Archive: Research
UK Industrial Hemp Research Field Day is Aug 11
Katie Pratt
Published on Aug. 5, 2016
Field day runs from 8 a.m. to noon.
UK breeder develops new tall fescue variety
Katie Pratt
Published on Jul. 25, 2016
Lacefield MaxQ II is a novel endophyte tall fescue that will be commercially available to farmers in 2017.
UK Grains Center of Excellence to strengthen Kentucky agriculture
Katie Pratt
Published on Jul. 20, 2016
Center will include updates and expansion of the UK Research and Education Center in Princeton.
UK Corn, Soybean and Tobacco Field Day is approaching
Katie Pratt
Published on Jul. 11, 2016
The field day is July 28 in Princeton.
UK Turf Research Field Day is July 14
Katie Pratt
Published on Jun. 14, 2016
Topics incude pollinators, cool-season grasses, warm-season grasses and weeds and diseases.
UK study links tobacco microbial communities, carcinogen formation
Katie Pratt
Published on Jun. 6, 2016
UK research shows it's more than just high heat and high humidity causing increased TSNAs in tobacco.
Maxwell Place’s white oaks have stories to tell, jobs to do
Carol Lea Spence
Published on May. 20, 2016
Two white oaks at Maxwell Place on the UK campus, trees that probably have witnessed much of the campus history, have been adopted so others will know their story.
UK study examines climate change effects on tall fescue, endophyte
Katie Pratt
Published on May. 9, 2016
In the study, tall fescue and endophyte responses to warmer and wetter conditions varied based on the genetics of each.
UK cow's view of move in day at the new barn
Aimee Nielson
Published on May. 4, 2016
A UK dairy cow's view of the new barn.
Hunt receives University Research Professorship
Jenny Wells
Published on May. 3, 2016
Arthur Hunt received one of 17 University Research Professorships.