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College News

UK KATS to host Spray Clinic

UK KATS to host Spray Clinic

UK KATS to host Spray Clinic

The clinic will include field demonstrations and interactive experiences for producers.


The Kentucky Agricultural Training School will host a Spray Clinic July 18 at the University of Kentucky Research and Education Center in Princeton. The clinic will include field demonstrations and interactive experiences for participants.

“The goal of the Spray Clinic is to take the complex topic of pesticide applications and break it down into simplified pieces of information,” said Travis Legleiter, UK weed scientist. “We would like farmers, applicators and crop consultants to take this information back to their operations and make informed and confident decisions about their spray applications.”

UK specialists will cover the following topics: spray technology overview, herbicide drift management, fungicide application considerations, sprayer equipment maintenance, nozzle selection for herbicide application and nozzle nomenclature.

The field day is from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. CDT and will occur rain or shine. Lunch is provided. Preregistration is required and available online at

Certified crop advisers can receive 3.5 hours in continuing education units each in pest management and crop management. Pesticide applicators can receive four general and two specific hours in categories 1A, 10 and 12.

The schools are funded in part by the Kentucky Small Grain Growers Association and are a part of the UK Grain and Forage Center of Excellence’s mission to provide producers with timely, hands-on trainings throughout the growing season.

Additional information on upcoming KATS workshops is available online at

Crops Events Extension

Contact Information

Scovell Hall Lexington, KY 40546-0064