UK to host Early Bird Meetings
UK to host Early Bird Meetings
Harvest is just wrapping up, but producers who want to get a jump on next year’s crop can attend one of three Early Bird Meetings.
University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment specialists will host these meetings to recap the 2016 growing season and to discuss potential challenges heading into 2017.
Meetings will be from 8 a.m. until noon CST on the following dates and locations: Dec. 6, Sedalia Restaurant, 5593 State Route 97, Sedalia in Graves County; Dec. 7, Henderson County Extension office, 3341 Zion Road, Henderson; and Dec. 8, Christian County Extension office, 2850 Pembroke Road, Hopkinsville.
The Kentucky Corn Growers’ Association and the Kentucky Soybean Board will provide lunch following the meeting.
Topics include highlights of the 2016 season, market outlook and risk management, palmer amaranth and waterhemp control and 2017 profitability outlook.
Certified Crop Advisers can receive the following credits: 1.5 in crop management and one each in integrated pest management and soil and water management. Pesticide applicators can receive two general hours and one specific hour in categories 1A, 4, 10, 12 and 14.
For more information, visit the UK Grain Crops Extension update blog at or contact the following UK Cooperative Extension agents for agriculture and natural resources education: Trent Murdock, Graves County at 270-247-2334; Camille Lambert, Henderson County at 270-826-8387; and Jay Stone, Christian County at 270-886-6328.
Crops Economics Events Extension Research