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UK Field School to host Spray Clinic

UK Field School to host Spray Clinic

UK Field School to host Spray Clinic

The University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment is hosting a Spray Clinic July 17 at the UK Research and Education Center in Princeton.


The University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment is hosting a Spray Clinic July 17 at the UK Research and Education Center in Princeton.

Part of the Field School series, the clinic is an expanded effort by the UK Grain and Forage Center of Excellence to give experienced producers and others in the industry the research-based information they need at critical junctures in the growing season.

“We are really excited to offer another opportunity for applicators to further advance their knowledge. We think they’ll find the school to be interactive, educational and well worth their time,” said Travis Legleiter, UK extension weeds specialist and clinic organizer.

The Field Schools include information on the latest research developments and newest technologies, with the goal of helping producers make better informed management decisions. UK specialists already host popular wheat field schools at various decision-making points during the production season. The Spray Clinic will cover topics related to herbicide and fungicide applications for all row crops.

The clinic runs from 8:30 a.m until 4 p.m. CDT. It will feature in-depth, hands-on demonstrations and will provide an opportunity for producers to ask questions of UK specialists and other invited experts. Topics and demonstrations include nozzle selection for herbicide application, herbicide drift management, fungicide management considerations, nozzle nomenclature, spray technology overview, sprayer cleanout and sprayer safety.

Certified Crop Advisers can receive 4.5 continuing education credits in pest management and 1.5 credits in crop management. Program organizers are awaiting approval for continuing education credits for pesticide applicators.

Preregistration is required, and space is limited. Register online at

Crops Events Extension

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