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UK Farm and Facilities Expo showcases horse farm management for participants

UK Farm and Facilities Expo showcases horse farm management for participants

UK Farm and Facilities Expo showcases horse farm management for participants

The annual Farm and Facilities Expo on Sept. 5 explores important aspects of equestrian facility ownership.

Versailles, Ky.—

University of Kentucky Ag Equine Programs will host its annual Farm and Facilities Expo at 5 p.m. ET on Thursday, Sept. 5, at River Mountain Farm in Woodford County. Hosted by the UK Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, the event is free and open to the public. 

Farm managers and horse owners will have the opportunity to explore vendor booths and see displays for every aspect of horse farm management. Speakers will provide educational talks about arena footing and hay feeding economics. 

“The farm and facility expo has been a long-standing program that showcases topic areas for horse owners to make changes to manage their horse facilities,” said Department of Animal Sciences associate professor and UK Equine extension specialist Bob Coleman. “The program has strong support from ag and natural resource agents in the area and specialists on campus.  This year’s program at River Mountain Farms is special as the farm has had a long relationship with UK’s Equine Programs.” 

Staci McGill, from the Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, will focus on explaining the pros and cons of various footing options available for arenas. McGill will also cover essential management practices, such as proper techniques for dragging, that are crucial for maintaining an arena's condition and ensuring safety for both horses and riders. 

Coleman will also focus on strategies to optimize feeding practices, examining different approaches to reducing hay waste and the economic impacts.  

According to Mercer County agriculture and natural resources extension agent Linda McClanahan, this event is all about helping more horse farm managers and owners. 

"We are excited to continue this long-standing program that has over time helped horse farm managers and owners make valuable improvements to their facilities and work to improve farm sustainability and profitability," McClanahan said. "We welcome all those who are interested in learning more about equine facilities and operations to come out to the beautiful River Mountain Farm, visit with our vendors and learn from our extension specialists."  

While not required, an RSVP is appreciated for food planning purposes. Please contact the Woodford County extension office at 859-873-4601 to register. A meal will be provided for those in attendance. 


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Equine Events

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Scovell Hall Lexington, KY 40546-0064