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UK dairy judging team takes first place at national contest

UK dairy judging team takes first place at national contest

UK dairy judging team takes first place at national contest

Team members also placed high in many individual categories.


The University of Kentucky dairy judging team took first place in the collegiate division at the recent All-American Dairy Show Judging Contest in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Contestants judged 10 classes of dairy cattle and then gave oral reasons on four or five of the classes depending on their division. The show recognized the top five individuals and teams in each division for specific breed performance, oral reasons and overall results.

"We are very proud of this group of students,” said Matthew Borchers, team coach and student teaching assistant for the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment’s Department of Animal and Food Sciences. “This is a very unique team. They work hard and also maintain a light attitude."

Team members are Jacob Barnett, Rachel Hinton, Tyler Nichols and Rachel Sibert. The team placed first overall, first in Ayrshire, Jersey and Guernsey, third in Holstein and fourth in reasons. Team members earned several individual awards. Barnett placed first overall; first in Jersey, second in Guernsey and third in Ayrshire. Nichols placed third overall and fifth in Guernsey and Ayrshire. Sibert placed 10th overall.  

At the National 4-H Dairy Judging Contest, the UK team placed fourth overall. Team members were John Brumley, Max Dipple, Ally Jones and Luke Williamson.

Team members credit several people for their success including the following breeders who served as hosts for the workouts: Fairdale Farm, Keightley and Core Jerseys, Eastern Kentucky University Dairy, and the UK Dairy. Borchers said valuable support also came from theUK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the UK Department of Animal and Food Sciences, FFA coach Bland Baird and 4-H coach Larissa Tucker and UK dairy specialist George Heersche. 

4 H Youth Awards Livestock

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