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UK College of Agriculture announces Hall of Distinguished Alumni, call for nominations

UK College of Agriculture announces Hall of Distinguished Alumni, call for nominations

UK College of Agriculture announces Hall of Distinguished Alumni, call for nominations

The UK College of Agriculture has initiated a Hall of Distinguished Alumni to pay homage to extraordinary alumni.


For nearly 150 years, the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture has turned out extraordinary alumni who have contributed substantially to their chosen fields, their communities and society. To pay homage to these and future distinguished graduates, the college has initiated a Hall of Distinguished Alumni. This award is the highest honor the college will bestow.

“This recognition is a symbol of the respect and admiration we have for distinguished alumni and serves to encourage exemplary achievements by fellow alumni and current students,” said Scott Smith, dean of the College of Agriculture. “Many of our alumni have gone on to become outstanding leaders in their professions and in society, and it is time we acknowledge those contributions.”

The award will be presented annually to no more than two living nominees. Nominations for the first inductees are being accepted through Sept. 30. Additional posthumous awards will be presented for the first three years to acknowledge the contributions of alumni from earlier generations.

The award recognition ceremony will be part of the Ag & HES Alumni Association’s annual Winter Event, which will also recognize the 150th anniversary of the Morrill Act establishing land-grant universities. The 2013 date is yet to be determined. Individuals selected must be in attendance to receive the award.

To be eligible for the award, nominees must:

  • have a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree from the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, including biosystems and agricultural engineering, former College of Home Economics or former College of Human Environmental Sciences; 
  • graduated at least 10 years prior to the nomination deadline;
  • have made a significant contribution to his/her profession or society in general;
  • have a record of outstanding accomplishments;
  • have shown evidence of strong support for the College of Agriculture; 
  • not hold political office at the time of nomination;
  • not be a current employee of the university.

The College of Agriculture Office for Advancement along with the Ag & HES Alumni Association administers the program. Nomination materials are available at For more information, contact Billy Toombs at billy.toombs@uky.eduor 859-257-7211.


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