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Master Grazer Program hosts Eastern Kentucky field day

Master Grazer Program hosts Eastern Kentucky field day

Master Grazer Program hosts Eastern Kentucky field day

Producers can learn how to make better use of their pastures at this daylong event.


Eastern Kentucky livestock and forage producers who are interested in learning about making their pastures more profitable should consider attending the East Region Grazing Field Day.

The University of Kentucky Master Grazer Program field day will be Saturday, June 21 at the Morgan County Extension farm, rain or shine. Registration begins at 8 a.m. EDT. Presentations begin at 9 a.m.

Specialists and extension associates from the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment and county extension agents for agriculture and natural resources will lead the program. Topics will range from fence construction to understanding soil test results to identifying and treating weeds in pastures.

The program may fulfill the educational requirements for County Agricultural Investment Program funding. Interested individuals should contact their county extension agent for agriculture and natural resources for details.

The field day will also include a free lunch and door prizes. The event will conclude at 3 p.m.

The farm is located just past the intersection of U.S. Route 460 and state Route 172 in West Liberty.

More information is available on the UK Master Grazer Program website at or by contacting Cody Smith, UK Master Grazer coordinator at 859-257-7512. Producers can also contact the following county extension agents for agriculture and natural resources for more information:

·         Morgan County: Sarah Fannin, 606-743-3292 or

·         Wolfe County: Daniel Wilson, 606-668-3612 or

·         Elliott County: Mary McCarty, 606-738-6400 or

·         Menifee County: Courtney Jenkins, 606-768-2524 or

Sponsors include the Kentucky Agricultural Development Fund, UK Robinson Center for Appalachian Resource Sustainability and various county extension district boards.

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Contact Information

Scovell Hall Lexington, KY 40546-0064