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Kentucky Grazing School coming soon to Woodford County

Kentucky Grazing School coming soon to Woodford County

Kentucky Grazing School coming soon to Woodford County

Interested persons are encouraged to register early as participation is limited.


Registration is open for one of the University of Kentucky’s most anticipated grazing education events of the year.

The 2015 Kentucky Grazing School will be May 20-21 at the Woodford County office of the UK Cooperative Extension Service and at UK’s C. Oran Little Research Center, also in Woodford County.

Hosted by extension specialists with the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, the program begins both days at 7:30 a.m. EDT and concludes at 5:30 p.m.

During the school, new and experienced producers of beef and dairy cattle, goats and sheep can gain important knowledge in proper care and management for their animals and pastures.

A vast array of topics includes meeting nutritional needs on pasture, growth of grasses and legumes and their response to grazing, filling the gaps left by tall fescue and cost share programs available through counties and the Natural Resources Conservation Service.

As in past years, participants will break into groups and build a rotational grazing system in the field. Each person will also have the opportunity to design their own grazing system based on their farm. To complete this exercise, they should bring a printed aerial map of their farm. These can be obtained through the local Farm Service Agency or online through Google Maps.

Preregistration is necessary and interested persons are encouraged to apply early, as enrollment is limited to the first 45 paid registrants. Registration is $50 and includes all materials, grazing manual, breaks and lunch for both days. Checks should be made payable to the Kentucky Forage and Grassland Council and mailed along with a completed application to UK extension beef specialist, Jeff Lehmkuhler, 804 W. P. Garrigus Building, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546-0215.

A brochure that includes the application, directions, hotel information and a complete program is available online on the UK Master Grazer Program website or through local extension offices.

For more information, contact Lehmkuhler at 859-257-2853 or email

Co-sponsors of the event include the Master Grazer Educational Program; Kentucky Agricultural Development Fund; UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment; Natural Resources Conservation Services; and Kentucky Forage and Grassland Council.

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Scovell Hall Lexington, KY 40546-0064